Bag filter system is designed for filtering large volumes of high viscosity liquids. The flow can be from the outside to the inside of the filter (that means, the separation of particles happens on the external surface of the filter) . The particles are normally captured on the internal surface of the bag filter. Bag filters are mostly surface-type filters.
The Max capacity flow rate can be up to 540m3/hr. The housing are suitable for #1, #2, #3 and #4 bag filter. The housing materials and connections can be selected by your applications
* Drinking water, Bottling water
* Food and beverage, Dairy, pharmaceutical,
* Pre filtration for RO and UV sterilizer
* Industrial Wastewater and water reuse
* Cooling water Recirculation
* Fish & Shrimp Hatcheries
* Micro-electronics industries, pure water.
*. Swimming pool & Spa…
* Other processing chemicals applications, please contact us directly
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